Consonant Clusters
Here you have some printables for the Consonant Clusters courtesy of
Consonant Clusters:
- /fl/ as in fleet, floss and /f/ & /l/ as in feet, loss
- /kl/ as in click, cloud and /k/ & /l/ as in kick, loud
- /kr/ as in creep, crust and /k/ & /r/ as in keep, rust
- /ks/ as in marks, rocks and /sk/ & /k/ as in mask, rock
- /lt/ as in quilt, belt and /l/ & /t/ as in quit, bell
- /nt/ as in paint, aunt and /n/ & /t/ as in pain, art
- /pl/ as in please and /p/ as in peas
- /pr/ as in pretty and /p/ as in pity
- /sk/ as in busk, dusk and /s/ & /k/ as in bus, duck
- /st/as in stink, past and /s/ & /t/ as in sink, part
- /θs/ as in strengths, maths
- /tr/ as in trick and /t/ as in tick
- /tr/ as in trick and /tʃ/ as in chick
- /ts/ as in ants and eats /t/,/st/ as in ant and east